Using Puns Efficiently

And very clever part of our language is puns. Layered with multiple meanings, puns are an age old comedic gadget that is mostly not recognized by people. You need to have a clever and quick mind to track and understand puns and the meanings behind them. So here we have some steps for you to follow if you want to use puns in your conversation, more efficiently.

Get more familiar with the art of being “punny ”. The word punny itself is comical. It is an amalgamation of the words “joke” and “interesting”, so punny means to be more interesting with the help of puns.

It is very important for you to know what a pun is and the small difference between an ordinary joke and a pun. The literal and comprehensive definition of pun is; the diverting utilization of a saying or expression to stress or recommend its distinctive implications or applications, or the utilization of words that are indistinguishable or almost much the same in sound yet diverse in significance (a statement with a double meaning) or the statement or expression utilized as a part of thusly.

In [standup comedy](, the use of puns is a very old phenomenon and to make their jokes extra spicy and funny, comedians play with words and come up with hilarious puns.

In this advanced world of Science, technology is your best friend. Surf the Internet and find great ways of playing around with words. Get inspiration from shows and movies, especially children programs. Read various comedy blogs. Learn some great plays on words.

Nothing is better than what you create yourself. So get inspirations from others and come up with your own puns.

Practice makes perfect! So practice as much as you can and keep your senses active all the time. Try to read between the lines and extract multiple meanings from a sentence to use them as self made pun!


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