Notorious Jokes On Celebrities That Will Make You Laugh

• Q: What is the Mexican version of One Direction?
A: Juan Direction.

• I don’t really like watching basketball, I just watch it to find out who the next member of the Kardashian family will be.

• Q: What did the Black Eyed Peas do at Wiz Khalifa’s costume party?
A: They dressed up in black and yellow, black and yellow, and said, “I’m a bee, I’m a bee, I’m a I’m a I’m a bee!”
• How much coke has Charlie Sheen snorted? Enough to kill two and a half men.

• Yo mamma is so old she knew Burger King when he was a prince.

• Q: What’s the difference between Tom Cruise and a tuxedo?
A: One comes out of the closet on special occasions and the other is a tuxedo.

• Q: What do you call 5 gay guys walking straight?
A: One Direction.

• Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.

• It’s a little unfair that Mike Vick is looked down upon for dog fighting, and The Mario Bros. are celebrated from taking mushrooms and turtle bashing.

• The Lone Ranger woke to see his tent blown away by a tornado. He declared, “Tonto, we’re not in canvas anymore.”

• How do you find Ronald McDonald at a nude beach? You look for the sesame seed buns!

• What is the differece between Han Solo and Chewbacca? One’s a hairy and inaudible man and the other one’s Chewbacca.

• I surf the web a lot, and I guess I was using too much bandwidth, because the other day I got an automated phone call from my service provider. It was The Rolling Stones singing, “Hey, you. Get off of my cloud!”

• You may know Jose Ferrer and Miguel Ferrer, but do you know he had a not so famous brother Gaspin Ferrer?

For more jokes, click here.


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