My journey to become a comedian

Stand up comedy always fascinated me. This is the reason I always prefer to watch stand up comedy videos with my friends and cousins whenever we plan a get together. We all find watching Stand up comedy videos worthy, as they are the real source to bring laughter into our gathering and we all feel fresh and relaxed.

You will be amazed to know that after watching so many stand up comedians, my sense of comedy also improved and I started cracking jokes with my familiars during my conversation. Few of my friends suggested me to start my career as a stand up comedian. At first, I did not take it seriously but then I realized that I have the sense of comedy and with little practice, I can do well. It is also possible that with some guidance and appropriate approach, I could make my name listed in few of the world’s best stand up comedians. Sounds amazing? But yes this is possible and to achieve this target, I had a very positive approach.

Finally, I decided to start my career as a stand up comedian and to be a professional one, I started participating in the family gatherings as a comedian. I still remember my first interaction with the audience. Actually, I designed my content in such a way that I had to interact with the audience to attract them. But planning is always easy than execution and I realized this fact when I performed for the first time. However, it is a fact that I improved a lot with every performance I did. Do you know why? Because I focused on two major things, which are:

• Content
• Delivery

Keep in mind that it is quite essential to focus on both of these above-mentioned attributes. If your content and delivery will be perfect then no one can stop you from becoming one of the top comedians.

If you are also about to start doing stand up comedy then you must observe everything around you carefully. The best source to develop the comedy content is to consider your surroundings and personal experiences. People love to listen about day to day problems in a humorous manner. I did the same and people loved it. Later on, I started taking stand up comedian classes from a reputable institution. Now I can say that I am equipped with lots of new techniques and my delivery has improved a lot.


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