How To Prepare Your Car for Shipping

You’ve found a reliable a car shipping company, good for you. Now is the time to start your preparations for sending your car to its destination. Just handing over the car as it is to the car shipping company is never a good idea. There are a number of reasons you should prepare your car for shipping. A proper shipping ready car gives you a lot of benefits and there are a number of safety reasons as well why you should properly prepare your car for shipping. Shipping cars is a simple looking process, but there are chances of damages or loss. In order to avoid any such losses coming out of your pocket, you should follow the below mentioned list to prepare your car for shipping.

Remove Personal Items from the Vehicle
Personal items not just define household items per say. Depending on where you are shipping your car, if your car has any aftermarket parts or items, you might have to remove them as well. This is because items such as GPS navigation, non stock sound systems etc are considered high value items, which makes them prone to theft.

Secondly, there is a weight limit that you car must meet in order to be eligible for shipping. If the weight exceeds certain limit, your car can be impounded by custom officers for further inspection. Keep in mind that each car must weight approximately same as it was factory made.

Wash Your Car and Take Pictures
Once you are aware of the pickup date of your vehicle, make sure to wash it on that same day or a day before that. Washing will give you a better look at the car and when you take photographs of the car, the existing condition will be much more visible. Even though, car damage seldom happens during its shipment, it is still important to be safe rather than sorry.

Leave About a Quarter of a Tank of Fuel
Even if your car is being picked up from your door, it is still important to leave about a quarter of a tank of fuel in the car. There are times when your car will be driven a little for loading and unloading purposes. So it is important to leave some fuel in it so it can easily loaded and unloaded. Also, when you receive your car, you should start and drive it to make sure everything is still in running condition as it was when you handed it over to the shipping company.

Inspection By a Professional
If you want to be extra safe, you should have your car inspected by a professional and certified mechanic. This serves as proof of the condition of your vehicle inside and out and can prove useful in case the car is not received in the same condition, it was handed over in.

Alongside these items, you should also make sure you handover the keys, fill out all the necessary paperwork, and keep up with all documentation in general to ensure there are no hiccups. Even if they do, you will have all paperwork and proofs.


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