7 Times Aries Spears Proved He Was the Best  

  1. Because it’s uncensored cable, I think we’ll be able to do the kind of sketch comedy that really hasn’t been seen before. We can actually finish jokes.

  2. Fellas, you have to stop letting women put all this pressure on us. Talking about, “I didn’t come”. “Bitch, I did. What’s wrong with your shit?” I tell a woman before we even get started, “Look, team bus leaves in two minutes and eight seconds. I’ma scream your name twice and I’ma scratch you off the clipboard. You better hurry the fuck up.

  3. Obama had all the right ingredients that came together at the right time. He’s tall, good-looking, articulate, highly intelligent, smooth under pressure, charismatic. And most importantly, the right shade. He made white people feel comfortable. Because y’all know if that nigga was Bernie Mac black or precious purple, he wouldn’t have won. He’s like coffee with cream, it goes down easy.

  4. Ladies Commit, There’s A Wedding In It For You.

  5. I always said if I ever get married, I would tell my woman - I love Michael Jordan, I am a Michael Jordan fanatic - I said, ‘Michael Jordan is the only athlete you can sleep with and I wouldn’t get mad, as long as you got something signed. You gotta bring back a ball, a hat or something. You can’t just give away that shit for free.’

  6. The best part about being a stand-up is the connection with the audience. There’s nothing more gratifying then when you can make 300 people applaud and stand up - because that’s all you.

  7. The average comedian is kind of an observer looking at everyday things that everyone could relate to and then trying to find the exaggeration in those things.

To read more jokes, click here.


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